Thy Kingdom Come Almost Here【電子書籍】[ Gerald "Spearman" Von Aschen ]

<p>God wanted to let you know, he did not chose a wealthy man, a literary giant, a man with anything, because "he came here with nothing!" WWI the Japanese knew they awoke a "sleeping giant" when the United States Of America was drawn into this war, by tyranny! You may say now the true "giant" has been awoken and has sent his warnings in the heavens he created! Tyranny abounds; and is his divine appointment this year or next? The last trump may be blown around 4/4/2015 or around 9/28/ 2015, on the Super Blood Moon!<br /> Millennium: gourmet food, celebrating yearly in Israel!</p> <p>Thank you, Xlibris Publishing!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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